Monday, January 25, 2010

Campaign for the American, and New Haven, Reader

Nationally, the Campaign for the American Reader is worth a look:

Locally, the New Haven Independent ran a recent story by Thomas MacMillan about "1555 Books":

According to this article about "the third annual book bag packing party, an event put on by the New Haven Early Childhood Council," the books in Spanish and English "were purchased with money given by the Board of Aldermen and the mayor’s office. Every preschool and infant/toddler classroom in the city will receive a bag of seven or 10 books respectively, [Sandy] Malmquist said. The bag-packing volunteers included a number of women who work in the classrooms that will receive the books."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Literacy 2010

Happy new year! As 2010 begins, here are two resources -- one national, one local -- recommended to readers and advocates of reading anywhere:

*Literacy Powerline, with which the Greater New Haven Literacy Coalition is affiliated

*the New Haven Review

Issue 5 of the New Haven Review made for eclectically absorbing reading on the London to New Delhi leg of a trip to India over the holidays. From fiction to poetry to a physicist's account of how has revolutionized his field, this still-new publication is well worth a subscription.