Monday, September 7, 2009

International Literacy Day, September 8 -- and Local Reading

Tomorrow is International Literacy Day, as Maureen Wagner reminded Literacy Coalition colleagues. From the UNESCO website:

"This year, International Literacy Day will put the spotlight on the empowering role of literacy and its importance for participation, citizenship and social development. Literacy and Empowerment is the theme for the 2009-2010 biennium of the United Nations Literacy Decade."

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Here in New Haven, Schools Superintendent Reginald Mayo said in a visit with kindergarteners last week:

“Boys and girls, we want you to be successful. The way that you do that, is ... you have to read, read, and continue reading. . . . You need to turn the TV off and — what? — read, read, read,” he said. “If you read, you will go to college, and you will be successful.”
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Courtesy Melissa Bailey's September 4 article in the New Haven Independent and Elizabeth Benton's September 5 article in the New Haven Register: